Friday, November 27, 2015

Cancer in Dogs and Cats

Facts that you need to know about Cancer in Dogs and Cats:

  • Cancer is one of the most common causes of chronic disease and suffering in pets of all ages.
  • Since cancer can cause a variety of symptoms that mimic other diseases, biopsy remains the chief method of definitive diagnosis.
  • Depending on the specific type of cancer, treatment may include surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation.
  • Prognosis for pet cancer varies depending on the type of cancer and how early it is diagnosed.

Common Cancers in Dogs and Cats
Cancer can strike any organ of your pet's body. The following types of cancer are commonly seen in dogs and cats:
Abdominal Cancer
Abdominal cancer may involve any of the abdominal organs such as the spleen, liver, kidneys, and intestines. Abdominal cancers can often be hard to recognize early because the abdomen may mask swollen cancerous organs for a long time.
Bladder Cancer
Bladder cancer has been on the rise in dogs. Dogs with bladder cancer have symptoms such as increased urine urgency and frequency, as well as severe bloody urine. Environmental factors such as cigarette smoke, petroleum, to the inert ingredients in many common flea and tick insecticides have been shown to play a role in pet bladder cancer.
Bone Cancer (Osteosarcoma)
Bone cancer, or osteosarcoma, is common mainly in large and giant breed dogs and much less common in cats. Research has shown that early spaying and neutering (before one year of age) may predispose susceptible dogs to bone cancer. These tumors may appear on the ribs, pelvis, or leg bones. Bone cancer is one of the more aggressive cancers in dogs. Quality of life may be extended by early limb amputation, along with secondary radiation and possible chemotherapy.
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer (or mammary gland cancer) is another fairly common cancer in dogs, which typically has a 50% malignancy rate in dogs. In cats, breast cancer is malignant 90% of the time. By spaying female dogs and cats before their second heat, the incidence of breast cancer is dramatically reduced.
Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV)
Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus may affect up to 5% of cats in some locations. While these viruses commonly cause immune suppression and secondary bacterial and viral infections in affected cats, cancer of the blood cells or bone marrow is seen in many other cats as they get older.
Lymphoma (Lymphosarcoma)
Lymphoma (lymphosarcoma) is one of the most common cancers in pets, and may involve the white blood cells, lymph nodes, spleen, intestines, and bone marrow. While genetic factors play a role in dogs with lymphoma, environmental factors such as overvaccination and nutrient-poor commercial pet foods are also believed to be a risk factors in pets.
Oral Cancer
Oral cancers can be quite malignant and may spread rapidly to your pet's lymph nodes and the lungs. Pets with mouth cancer may have masses along their jaw and tooth line, as well as bleeding from the mouth, excessive salivation, and difficulty eating.
Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is another tumor seen more commonly in neutered dogs. Symptoms of prostate cancer will mimic other urinary tract cancer symptoms, such as increased urgency/frequency of urination, and bloody urination.
Testicular Cancer
Testicular cancer is rare in both dogs and cats, but if detected early, neutering is usually curative, since most forms of testicular cancer tend not to spread to other organs.
Skin tumors are often due to overgrowth of mast cells and melanocytes. It is important to have any lump or bump on your pet's body evaluated by your veterinarian in order to differentiate soft benign fatty tumors, cysts, and warts from more potentially aggressive tumors such as mast cell tumors or squamous cell carcinoma. The latter tumor is often secondary to excessive exposure of sunlight in white-haired cats.

How Cancer Differs in Dogs and Cats
The incidence of cancer is less in dogs than in cats; however, some cancers in cats may be more fatal, such as breast/mammary cancer and oral malignant cancers. Cats are also more susceptible to skin tumors known as fibrosarcomas, which can occasionally occur at the site where the feline leukemia virus or rabies vaccinations were injected. These tumors can be very aggressive. Therefore, wide surgical excision, in addition to radiation or chemotherapy is often needed to maintain remission. Cats are six times more likely to develop lymphoma than dogs.

 Recommended Products for Dogs and Cats with Cancer:
Find Rimadyl at 1-800-PetMeds
(for Dogs)
 Find Previcox at 1-800-PetMeds
(for Dogs)
Find Proanthozone at 1-800-PetMeds
Proanthozone Find Cell Advance at 1-800-PetMeds
Cell Advance
(for Dogs) Find Apocaps CX at 1-800-PetMeds
Apocaps CX
(for Dogs)
You can find these products on If you want to buy them, make sure to visit CouponSoHot and look for 1800petmeds coupons - 25% off to save more money.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

How to transition your pet to a new food

Feel free to transition your pet to a new food and get saving when using 1800petmedscoupons - 25% off. Pets food products from 1800PetMeds are always top quality and ensure your companies are healthier.

Unlike common beliefs amongst veterinarians and animal guardians, it is actually best to feed our animal companions a variety of foods and protein sources during their lives. Actually, the incidence of developing food allergies and/or hypersensitivities is much higher when consuming the same protein source over a long period of time. Just as people thrive on a variety of foods, pets are truly healthier when eating a variety of foods. But what’s the best way to transition your pet to a new food?

When making the transition to a new diet, it is best to do this gradually over several days if possible. The time period needed will vary depending on the digestive tract sensitivity of a given animal. Because the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease is so high in companion animals today, many pets will need a longer transition period in order to avoid acute digestive upset during the process of dietary transitions. In these circumstances, I will typically instruct animal guardians to start out with feeding 75% the original diet and 25% of the new diet over the first few days, increasing the percentage of the new food, then 50% of the food offered in the next few days, and gradually withholding more of the original diet over a 10 day period, until the transition is complete.

It is important for animal guardians to understand that it is normal sometimes for the stools to become a bit more loose for a brief period of time, as the body transitions to the new food. Pets may even occasional vomit during the transition period. I have found that incorporating a good quality probiotic during and after the transition quite helpful in strengthening the gut immune system, as well as helping with the transition. I have also found that the mild herb slippery elm, available from most health food stores, also helpful in soothing the digestive tract during dietary transitions. If digestive symptoms become excessive during this period, it may be helpful to consult with a veterinarian to help with the transition process.
If you want to get good food for your pets, don't be hesitate to go to and make sure to visit CouponSoHot to receive discounts to save money.

How To Clean Your Dog's Ears

Let’s take care of dog’s ears with perfect products come from 1800petmeds. Especially, at 1800petmeds, you can save money on your purchase when using 1800petmeds coupons - 25% off

Owners should check their dog's ears regularly because dog's ears can be a breeding ground for yeast, ear mites and infections if you do not clean them regularly, so clean your dog's ears weekly.
Don't squirt the solution into your dog's ears! Most dogs hate this. Instead:
Soak a cotton ball with cleaner or medication
Put the cotton ball into the ear
Close the ear flap, and gently massage
Take your time and work when your dog has exercised and welcomes the opportunity to sit quietly. Give a big reward—we recommend Blue Buffalo Bits Dog Treats—after medicating.
Your pet appreciates receiving ear medications at body temperature. Warm ear medications that are required to be kept in the refrigerator. Use a hot water bath rather than a microwave, or leave the medication out until it reaches room temperature. 
After cleaning your ears give a treat so your pet associates the process with a reward  
Cautions When Cleaning Your Dog's Ears
Cleaning your dog's ears is a very important part of your dog's overall health, and gentleness is the key:

Do not massage firmly and do not rub the ear firmly
Do not let your pet scratch or rub their ear firmly either
Why not?
The 7th (Facial) and 8th (Vestibulocochlear) cranial nerves travel together and are easily damaged. When these nerves are stretched, or irritated by rubbing, your pet can lose hearing and equilibrium. Some pets, especially cats, develop Horner's syndrome: the pupil of the eye constricts, the 3rd eyelid elevates, the upper lid drops. Other pets lose their balance, become ataxic (uncoordinated), circle, and fall over. Fortunately, these symptoms are preventable if you dont't rub or massage too firmly.
These are recommended pet medications for cleaning your dog's ears
1-800-PetMeds Ear Cleansing Solution 
Epi Otic Advanced Ear Cleanser Find Nolvasan Otic on 
Nolvasan Otic
Make sure visit CouponSoHot to not miss great discount on purchase.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Indoor Flea Control With 1800petmeds

Pleas are a health problem not only your pet but their owner. Let’s take time to show some way to control please and get great treatments at reasonable price a when using 1800petmeds coupons - 25% off.

Controlling Fleas In Your Home
Your pet was not born with fleas and ticks. Your pet picked up fleas and ticks from the environment, and they will pick them up again unless you take action. Because over 95% of the flea population exists as eggs, larvae, or pupae in carpet and grass, tackle fleas and ticks right in the carpet and grass.
 Pets with flea allergies don't improve unless fleas are removed from the home and yard. When pets spend 90% of their time indoors, focus your flea prevention efforts on the indoors, but it's important to also include general outdoor flea and tick control (if you have a yard or patio).
The key to eliminating a flea infestation inside your home is to repeat the treatment process every 2-3 weeks to kill any flea eggs that may have hatched      
Rid Your Home of Fleas
Products That Kill Fleas and Ticks Inside Your Home:
Fogger: Virbac Knockout Fogger
Foggers are popular and easy to use. Unfortunately, they do not reach deep in the carpet, under furniture, in closets, along baseboards, and under furniture cushions. Use one fogger for each room, and realize that fogger chemicals are distributed in a circle and do not penetrate corners. To spot treat corners and areas that foggers don't reach, use a powder. Virbac Knockout Fogger will kill fleas, eggs, spiders, ants, and roaches.
Powder: Bio Spot Carpet Powder
Use powders on carpet, upholstery, and under cushions. Bio Spot Carpet Powder kills fleas, flea eggs, and ticks.
Areas to Treat for Flea Control
Carpeted areas and upholstery, including carpeted closets, under cushions and furniture. A vacuum with a beater bar removes 20% of the flea larvae and 50% of the flea eggs in the carpet. And vacuuming raises the carpet fibers so insecticides can penetrate.
Bed linens and pet bedding. Dry with high heat, as materials tolerate. Hot water and a long cycle in a hot dryer kills fleas at any life stage, egg, larva, pupa, or adult.
Under the furniture edges where flea larvae crawl
Areas the pet is denied access because they often have some access
All carpeted areas
Upholstered furniture
How Often Should I Treat These Areas to Control Fleas?
To control a serious flea infestation, repeat this treatment every 2-3 weeks for at least 6 weeks. Once it seems the fleas are under control, you should implement a maintenance treatment every 4-6 weeks thereafter. At the same time you're treating your home and yard, use flea treatments on your pet.
The immature flea, when protected by a cocoon, can survive over 4 months in carpet, so vacuum and treat the carpets thoroughly.
To get more detail about how to cope with many health problem of dogs and gain a lot of understanding to keep your dog healthier and happier, you’d better go to If you’d love to buy any item or get any service from there, don’t forget using discount at CouponSoHot to save on purchase.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Helping Your Dog with Separation Anxiety

For many dogs, being left alone can trigger symptoms of anxiety. The same behavior can occur when loud noises are present, including thunderstorms and fireworks. Although there is no single cure to help rid a dog of this type of behavior, there are ways you can help reduce your dog's level of anxiousness. Pick out 1800petmeds coupons - 25% off and get a training course is smart solution for this problem.

1. Crate Train Your Dog
 Crate training your dog is helpful because it provides your dog with a private space, much like a den. With proper training, many dogs come to enjoy their area, which makes the crate a safe place to keep your dog while you are out of the house. Plus, many dog owners find crates to be extremely beneficial when housetraining a dog.
2. Tips to Reduce Separation Anxiety
 Be calm and maintain low key departures and arrivals. For instance, when you arrive home, you should ignore your dog for several minutes or until he or she calms down. The key is to not reward your dog's anxious behavior.
Leave a toy stuffed with food. It's important to not only reserve this type of toy for times you are leaving. Doing so could allow your dog to associate the toy with your absence, and further increase their anxiety.
Leave behind an item of yours that has your scent, such as a sleeping shirt.
Help your dog release built up energy with daily exercise.
Crate training shouldn't only be used for when you are away. Encouraging your dog to use the crate when you are home can help your dog become comfortable using it.
3. Consider Medication & to Manage Anxiety
In some cases, dogs may become overly excited and frightened by loud noises caused by fireworks or thunderstorms. This behavior is caused by your dog's heightened sense of hearing. Even though noises may not seem that loud to us, to our dogs they are significantly amplified. In these situations, you may want to consider administering pet meds that help calm your dog's nerves. There are natural solutions like Thundershirt, Relax and Calm Chews, HomeoPet Anxiety Relief, and Be Serene. Prescription medications are also available, which can be prescribed by your veterinarian.

To helping your dog with separation anxiety affectively, get more information and treatment on If you look for deals to save money on this service, then go to CouponSoHot, this site always have all you need.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Dental Care And Your Pets

It is the fact that 65% of pet owners do not brush their pet's teeth although veterinarians explain the importance of brushing.Your pet will be healthier and you will enjoy their fresher breath if you invest just 2 minutes a day in brushing.

Dental disease is painful for pets just as it is for people; however, pets are often better at hiding their pain than people are. When a pet receives dental therapy, the family usually notices the pet is much more playful, indicating the degree of discomfort the pet had been experiencing.

Even though your pet's teeth look clean,it can have dental disease.The visible crown of the tooth is not the most important area for dental disease—the important area is just under the edge of the gum, or the gingival margin where it is difficult for you to see without using dental tools. This area, as well as the crown, is assessed by the veterinary dentist.
For the past few hundred years we have bred some dogs to be smaller in size. The genes that control body size have been easier to influence than the genes that influence tooth size. Thus, we have small-bred dogs whose mouths are full of teeth that remain genetically suited to a somewhat larger dog.
The 10 signs my pet has dental disease:
Bad breath
Pawing the mouth
Change in eating habits
Not allowing face or mouth to be touched
Swelling on cheeks or below eyes
Draining face wound
Runny nose
Weight loss
By 3 years of age, 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have oral disease. Periodontal disease is the most common infectious disease of pets. Fortunately, much of it is preventable with brushing:
Your pet will have sweeter breath because brushing removes bacteria that cause odor.
Your pet will be happier because their mouth will be healthier. A healthy mouth affects the entire body.
You'll save money because your veterinary dental visits can be spaced further apart.
You'll save money on medications because a healthy pet requires less medication.
These are the reasons why you should bother to brush your pet's teeth.
Let's keep our dog's or cat's teeth clean and mouth healthy with dental treats, rinses, and toothpaste from and don't forget looking for 1800petmeds coupons - 25% off to save money for your purchase on CouponSoHot.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Up To 42% Off Top Brands Only at

This month gives customers a lot of great value.You can get up to 42% off top brands and also save more with 1800petmeds coupons - 25% off.

1800petmeds always bring you to reasonable-price products.You never worry about the quality of products from 1800petmeds with Shop Safe: You're 100% satisfied or your money back.
Let's shop for your pet now:


Is this the Easter bunny? Is it spelled wabbit? Maybe. Booda Squatters Bunny is a soft toy for dogs and includes a squeaker in the middle. This toy isn't only for Easter; your dog can enjoy this fun toy year-round!
For: Dogs
Covered in soft fibers
Includes a squeaker

Yeowww! Catnip Toys 

EOWWW!® Catnip Toys are durable, colorful and enticing cat toys stuffed with YEOWWW!® organically grown catnip designed for hours of chewing, clawing and bunny-kicking fun! These brightly colored catnip toys come in fun shapes and ample sizes for the enjoyment of cats of all ages and sizes.
Hand-stitched in the USA, YEOWWW!® catnip toys are made with tough cotton twill that's soft enough for your cat to sink his or her teeth into, yet strong enough to take some serious clawing, biting and kicking.
The clever, fun shapes are ideal for hugging, carrying and cuddling, and the larger sizes hold plenty of pungent catnip to stay potent longer than smaller catnip toys.
For: Cats
Pungent, organically grown YEOWWW!® catnip
Hand-crafted in the USA
Natural soy-based fabric dyes
Tough cotton twill fabric
Inspires activity and playfulness in most cats
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Monday, November 9, 2015

How to Protect Your Pet Against Heartworms

Heartworms is really dangerous for your pet's health. Protecting your pet against heartworms by get schedule heartworm exams at 1800Petmets at good price when using 1800petmeds coupons - 25% off.

These are some of the potentially dangerous symptoms of heartworm disease that can occur in pets:
Mild to severe coughing
Loss of appetite
Weight loss despite regular eating habits
Loss of breath (gasping for air)

As a pet guardian, providing quality pet care to your furry friend is a top priority, so if your pet has any of these symptoms, you should visit your veterinarian. Your veterinarian can perform a simple blood test to determine if your pet has heartworm disease. We carry the top veterinarian-recommended heartworm preventatives to help protect your pet from this potentially deadly disease.
Help prevent your pet from developing heartworm disease by following these three easy steps:
Provide Year-Round Prevention Against Heartworms

You cannot predict when or where your pet will be exposed to heartworm-carrying mosquitoes,so do not skip a month.
The American Heartworm Society reports that pets are diagnosed with heartworms in all 50 states throughout the year (even in winter). Mosquitoes carrying heartworm disease may be active even in cold weather, so it's important to make sure your pet is protected year-round.
Kill Mosquitoes
Infected mosquitoes inject heartworm larvae when they bite your dog's skin. By killing mosquitoes before they can bite, you may help decrease your pet's chance of contracting the disease. Flea control products such as 1-800-Pet-Meds Flea5X Plus for Dogs and 1-800-Pet-Meds Flea5X Plus for Cats are also effective in killing mosquitoes.
Schedule Heartworm Exams
Regularly scheduled heartworm exams are necessary to make sure your pet has not contracted heartworm disease, even with prevention.
To get more understanding and methods protecting yout pet's heath, visit 1800Petmeds.
To get saving on more items and sevices for your pets, make sure visit CouponSoHot daily.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Prepare now for a worry-free vacation with 1800Petmeds

Keeping your pet heath and prepare now for a worry-free vacation with special offers from 1800Petmeds and you can even save more when using 1800petmeds coupons - 25% off  
There are a few tips that we found useful and that may help reduce the last minute stress for pet owners who like to take out of town vacations:
Research the pet boarding choices in your area, in advance. There are large differences in costs and comfort between various places — some seem like prisons while others are more like a vacation resort for pets. If you prepare now, you’ll have time to visit the facility in person, and even bring your pet to become familiar with the place. Before settling on a facility or pet sitter, be sure to ask for referrals.
Have all pet vaccinations current. You must plan for this as it takes several days after vaccination before your pet is fully protected, and most places will not board a pet without up to date vaccinations. Make sure you have a copy of the vaccination record to prove that all the vaccinations are current.
Prepare an instruction sheet for your pet’s caretaker that includes your itinerary and contact information as well as the name and phone number of your veterinarian.
Get the pets cleaned up and trim their nails before giving your pets to someone else to watch. Make sure flea & tick control and heartworm preventatives are also up to date.
Make sure your pet has current identification tags and/or microchip information. Take a clear photo of your pets before going on vacation which you can use in the unlikely event your pets become lost or missing.
If the facility allows for it, bring a favorite toy and comfy pet bed, blanket or even an old tee-shirt with your scent on it for your pet. Also, providing a supply of your pet’s regular food can help prevent digestive upsets while you’re gone.
Make sure that all pet medications and instructions are left with the person responsible for your pet; make certain that this person knows the dosing schedule and is comfortable with administering the medication. Some medications such as enalapril, digoxin, furosemide, among other used for cardiac and blood pressure control, can be dangerous if skipped. Many other medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and other pain meds also may create a danger or severe discomfort if not given for the duration of the trip. The bottom line is that prescription medication should be taken as prescribed and doses should not be skipped.
As always, if you have any concerns about your pets, making an appointment to discuss these with the veterinarian is the best way to get a proper diagnosis and the required treatment. If you have any medication related questions, your 1800Petmeds pharmacist is also available to answer those for you.
If you are looking for discounts from 1800Petmeds, then go to CouponSoHot, a good site help you save more money on many services for your beloved pets!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Solve With Dog Behavior Issues

It's important to determine the cause of problem behaviors of your dogs and find effectively solution for them. A better and easier solution is getting good training courses with treatment for them. 1800Petmets have a large of experts to help you solve  these problem out at reason price moreover you can even save more when using 1800petmedscoupons - 25% off      

Petmets is the best place to train your dog. If you're looking for help treating your dog’s behavior issue, or just curious about why your dog does what he does, you've come to the right place. As always, if your pet is not feeling well, even if there seems to be no solution to the problem, a visit to the veterinarian could be just what is needed.
These are some pet's issues with what you will have to cope if you keep a pets:
Aggression is the most common and most serious behavior problem in dogs. It’s also the number-one reason why pet parents seek professional help from behaviorists, trainers and veterinarians
Each type of bark serves a distinct function for dogs. Identify the reason for barking before seeking treatment.
Destructive Chewing
Chewing accomplishes a number of things for dogs, but they must learn what is and is not acceptable to chew.
Food Guarding
Resource guarding can range from benign to aggressive. Learn how to prevent and treat this canine behavior.
Like barking, dogs howl for many reasons. Learn what to do if your dog howls excessively.
Mounting and Masturbation
Although mounting, humping and masturbation are normal dog behaviors, there are steps you can take to curb them.
Mouthing, Nipping and Play Biting in Adult Dogs
Adult dogs can inadvertently cause injury with their mouths. You can teach your dog to be gentle instead.
Separation Anxiety
Many dogs become destructive or disruptive when left alone. Read tips to help manage separation anxiety.
Dogs whine for different reasons. Identify the trigger before seeking treatment.
Looking for more help to treat your dog’s behavior issue, go on 1800petmeds
Don't forget saving by using coupon codes on CouponSoHot.

1800PetMeds Products and Servces: Good Choices for Your Pet's Health

Petmeds is America’s largest pet pharmacy. They care about your pet's health the largest number of veterinary pharmacists in the world. To get more saving from 1-800-PetMeds® brand products, make sure visit CouponSoHot daily and looking for 1800petmeds coupons - 25% off

• They're here to answer your pet medication questions. 
You go to your local pharmacy for your medications because you trust your pharmacist, and it's no different for your pets. Petmeds's pharmacy is Vet-VIPPS accredited by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (the same association that accredits, and They answer your emails and return your phone calls within one business day.
• Their state of the art pharmacy ensures the safety of your pet's medications. 
As with all licensed pharmacies, their products and facilities are regularly inspected. Their pharmacy takes the same special care with your pet's prescriptions as your neighborhood pharmacy takes with your own prescriptions. With their high volume of sales to millions of customers, they are able to deliver the freshest products direct to your door saving you time and money.
• Petmeds carry all major brand medications sold at your veterinarian's office. 
As a licensed pharmacy, we only dispense U.S. FDA/ EPA approved medications (the same exact medications sold by your veterinarian). We honor and exceed all manufacturers' guarantees.
• 1-800-PetMeds® brand products are top notch. 
They're made with the healthiest, natural ingredients which are independently tested by third parties to verify label claims. We look at the top brands and make them better.
• They test products and we strive to improve them. 
Unlike other retailers, we want to make sure that products work and are safe before we sell them. We're constantly seeking feedback from our valued customers to improve products.
• They find the healthiest supplements, foods, & products for your pets. 
Check our expert ratings and comparison charts to help you choose the best products for your pet.
From many reasons above,you can trust on Petmeds to take care your pet's health.
To get more saving on • We carry all major brand medications sold at your veterinarian's office. 
As a licensed pharmacy, we only dispense U.S. FDA/ EPA approved medications (the same exact medications sold by your veterinarian). We honor and exceed all manufacturers' guarantees.
• Our 1-800-PetMeds® brand products are top notch. 
They're made with the healthiest, natural ingredients which are independently tested by third parties to verify label claims. We look at the top brands and make them better.
• We test products and we strive to improve them. 
Unlike other retailers, we want to make sure that products work and are safe before we sell them. We're constantly seeking feedback from our valued customers to improve products.
• We find the healthiest supplements, foods, & products for your pets. 
Check Petmeds's expert ratings and comparison charts to help you choose the best products for your pet. Develop a good relationship with your pet’s veterinarian and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Additionally, a 1800PetMeds pharmacist is available to answer any questions that you may have regarding the medication your pet is taking. You can trust in 1800PetMeds to keep your pets health.
To get more detail about 1800PetMeds, go on: 1800PetMeds